My First Guitar Lesson

That amazing sound which made me fall in love with this fabulous instrument.
Every time I hear some Rock songs, I will picture myself playing that guitar lick. And The man who sold the world was the first song I have ever played on a guitar, even before getting to know the basics. The urge to learn this beautiful guitar riff started when I heard my friend playing it on his guitar. Then I asked him if he could teach me at least the starting bit of it if not the complete. He agreed!

Here I go, holding my friend's guitar, going to learn the wonderful intro of this beautiful song, without knowing anything about the guitar. But I couldn't stop myself from attempting to learn this intro though I wanted to learn the basics first. I knew that it's going to be very difficult, as this guitar intro requires sliding and hammer on skills which are not an easy task for a beginner like me. Still, I thought, why not give it a try. I don't remember how many months it took for me to play it perfectly. Now I am remembering a part of Bryan Adam's Summer of 69, I played it till my fingers bled ( I actually did, didn't bleed but it did hurt).
I must tell you how happy I was, the day when I played the song I loved the most, perfectly without any mistakes.

And nothing matters more than being happy.

This song was one my favorite song hence it was worth the pain. After I learned the guitar intro of this song, the next thing I wanted to learn was Sweet child o' mine by Guns n' Roses which has some amazing solos played by one and only Slash. Yes, I know this is a little too much for a newbie to dream of.

Then I started following one of the best guitar instructors I have ever come across - Marty Schwartz!

What are you waiting for guys, check out his youtube channel and start jamming - Marty's Channel

Check out the below blog if you love traveling.


  1. Let your first lesson be an inspiration to become a professional player....


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